Cannabis reviews without the hassle.

Contest Rules

We Acknowledge that our Instagram contest or giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Instagram.

Cannabis Intention or is hosting the contest/giveaway.

This contest/giveaway campaign will run once every month until notice is removed. This contest may end without notice. 1 winners will be chosen every other month. Look to our Instagram for times of when contest is being held and when winners are chosen.

These Participation rewards will be given for the following guidelines:

Registering on and leaving a medicinal related review/opinion on a strain or vaporizer.

1 Cannabis Intention bag with possible small gifts will be given to a participant for an Instagram follower of Cannabisintention Instagram, must like the post, and must tag 3 friends.

You must be 21 years old, must be willing to provide proof of age or older, and live in the United States. Winner must be willing to have their username shared of their win. Winner must claim prize within 24 hours or a new winner will be chosen. Winner must provide an address to send prize to. Bag is polyester.

Cannabis Intention reverses the right to reject a participant and stop the contest at any time.

Get Started On Your Chance!

Remember there are two ways to enter for your chance to win a bag. Get started on your chance by clicking below to register and make your review.