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In essence, terpenes refer to the natural fragrance, color, and flavor of the cannabis plant. Terpenes have the ability to interact with the cannabinoids in cannabis, thereby potentially influencing the overall experience of using cannabis products. It is worth noting that a large majority of cannabis products incorporate terpenes. It is advisable to utilize lower heat when consuming these products to preserve the distinct flavors provided by terpenes, as higher heat could potentially diminish their presence.


Earthy aroma. Myrcene is found in many strains.

Mycene relates to acting with anti-inflammatory properties, sedating, relaxing, and pain relieving.


Herbal-citrus aroma. Terpinolene may be found in rosemary, lilacs, and apples for example.

Terpinolene have potential antioxidant benefits, relaxing sedative properties, and cancer fighting type possibilities.


Herbal, woody, pine, citrus, and sweet aroma.

Terpineol can possibly aid in anti-cancer effects, sedative, antibacterial, antifungal, sedative, and antioxidant properties.


Floral aroma. Can be found rosewood, bergamot, coriander, rose, jasmine, and lavender as well.

Linalool can be shown to reduce stress, inflammation, anti-epileptic, calming and/or sedative properties.


Floral aroma.

Phytol relates to relaxing and sedative, anxiety relieving, antioxidant, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Minty aroma.

Pulegone can possibly assist with anxiety-relieving effects, Indigestion, increased cognitive performance, and sedative properties.


Pine needle or piney aroma.

Pinene has anti-inflammatory properties, better airflow to lungs, and possible memory retention benefits.


Sweet and herbal aroma. Examples of ocimene found in mint, mangoes, and orchids.

Ocimene relates to anti-inflammatory properties with possible antiviral and antifungal characteristics.


Floral aroma.

Bisabolol potential skin anti-inflammation properties, pain relief, and muscle spasm relief.


Mint or metallic aroma.

Borneol has potentially anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.


Orange or woody aroma.

Valencene can potentially relate to antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic properties.


Herbal or spicy aroma.

Caryophyllene Beta-caryophyllene related to anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and pain.


Hops, basil, ginseng aroma.

Humulene presents a pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and possible hunger suppressant effect.


Woody or earthy aroma. Possibly found in citrus and florals as well.

Nerolidol has potential anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Lemons, rosemary and pine armoas.

Carene can possibly assist with anti-inflammatory effects and pain.


Lavender, ginger grass, pine, and spices aroma.

Phellandrene possibly assists with anti-inflammatory, cancer cell growth, antidepressant and pain properties.


Citrus or fruit aroma.

Limonene relates to immune system booster, gastrointestinal help, and heartburn symptoms.


Woody and spicy aroma.

Sabinene can potentially aid in gastrointestinal, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties.


Rose and fruits aroma.

Geraniol’s therapeutic potential as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial.


Minty or menthol aroma.

Eucalyptol relates to possible anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.


Piney aroma.

Guaiol relates to potential antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant, and cancer inhibiting properties.


Nutty aroma.

Camphene relates to possibly aiding antimicrobial, antiviral, pain, and cough.